Copyright 2013. First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.

As the new year continues to unfold, we seek God's blessings to infuse our lives, our families, and our church with the Armour of God to protect us through His Word, His Promises, and His Grace. Thank you for your faithful loyalty to our Church and to our Choir! Our Choir is ready and willing to come together in unity and in love to praise God in Worship and Song. Now, as we are given pastoral guidance and direction, our mission is to follow as we should. We keep in mind that our mission is to prepare hearts and minds for worship. We seek to uplift those who are suffering, grieving, healing, with our Song.

"The Lord is my Strength, and my Song." Psalm 118:14

Your Choir Director,

Linda Kale Barger  

"Speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord". Ephesians 5:19

A  Message From Our Choir Director