Copyright 2013. First United Methodist Church. All rights reserved.

​​Hi everyone, we have a new “VAN ADVENTURE” coming up!  As we have been talking about and planning, our UMYF weekend getaway to THE EDGE CONFERENCE / RETREAT at Ridgecrest N.C. is Martin Luther King weekend.   We are planning to leave Saturday January 18th at 2:00 pm and return Monday, January 20th around 2:00 ish.   You will need money to eat on for Monday lunch. All other meals are provided at the conference. Our lodging will be paid for with our money raised with our coffee bar fund raisers and donations from the breakfast club and church donations.  Your cost is only $75.00 per person to attend plus spending money for the coffee bar, and hoodies or books or any other personal things you may wish to purchase.  We will spend Saturday and Sunday nights at the Ridgecrest Conference Center where we will be doing group building activities (meaning we all will have to take care of each other!), worship celebrations, late night bible sessions, concerts and Christian entertainment.   Your $75.00 is due now.  Please bring it to UMYF by January 12th.

    You will need to bring:   your Bible, your sleeping bag or blanket, pillow, (linens are provided), personal toiletries, comfortable shoes to walk in and be outside in, preferably something warm and of course a change of clothes.  You will need a jacket or hoodie just in case.  Remember, it gets cold up there!  We have limited space in the van so pack light! Limit 1 bag person!!! (NO NEED TO BRING THE KITCHEN SINK!!) GIRLS!!
****** You must have your permission slip to go with us******

Please let Bess know ASAP if you are still planning to go!   Call with any questions! 
cell: 704-836-6803   I’m Looking forward to another adventure and fun in the SON!!!
With Peace, Bess
P.S.  UMYF starts up again Sunday January 12th 6:00 pm – 7:30pm. Prayer Breakfast resumes January 9. (Report card day! Come pray!)  😉


There will be no prayer breakfast on Thursday, January 2nd due to Christmas and New Year break.  We will resume our meetings on January 9th.  Our prayer breakfast is such a blessing to all who attend.  It’s a great start to our school day, work day or anyday!  We are meeting at Homefolks Café at 7:00 am every Thursday morning to feed our tummies, our souls and our hearts with friendships, devotions and prayer time before school.  Everyone of all ages and all denominations are invited to join the prayer breakfast group!  Our church van will be there to provide a ride to school for anyone who needs it.  BUT Buckle UP!  There may be a BUMP in the road!!! 😊


Hello my UMYf Friends…. U.M.Y.F. (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) meets on Sunday nights at 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. downstairs.  We will resume our meetings on January 12th.  I have really missed some of you lately.  Our group is for all 6th thru 12th graders.   We have been planning for our winter/spring activities.  We gather in fellowship each week and of course play games, have our snack suppers, devotions and make plans for the year.  You are welcome to invite a friend to join our group.

    Our lessons and devotions for the next few weeks will be                   “HASHTAG”  # Learning to think like Jesus.
     We are looking forward to our exciting and uplifting trip to The Edge Conference at Ridgecrest!  The Edge begins January 18th – January 20th.  (See more information below.)
     We are also planning our Winter Snow Tubing trip in February and a Lock-in possibly in March.  Also, we are making plans for some future fund raisers.  We need your help to plan and your in-put for our activities!