Mar. 5 | "Ash Wednesday" | UMK's meet downstairs |
Mar. 12 | "Finish the Build" | Genesis 6:9-7:5 |
Mar. 19 | "Making Something New" | Genesis 28:10-22 |
Mar. 5 | Pancake supper / Ash Wednesday Special Events and Family Life Committee |
Mar. 12 | Meatballs, bread sticks and dessert Chrystal & Andrew Harmon |
Mar. 19 | Chicken Nuggets and MMac n Cheese and dessert Pam Anthony Cannon |
Mar. 26 | Subs, chips and cookies Roman's 12 class |
Our Wednesday night UMK’s will begin again for the winter 2025 session beginning January 8h. We will meet in the fellowship hall each Wednesday evening at 6:00 p.m. for our supper/game time, and at 6:30 move in to sanctuary for object lessons, skits, singing and offering. Then from 7:00 to 7:25 we will have bible study and lesson time down stairs. Then we will go back up to the sanctuary for vespers and closing prayers. All 3-year-olds thru 5th graders are invited to come and join in the fun with our United Methodist Kids from 6:00 – 7:30pm. For the winter months we will enter at the side door near the kitchen and leave from there also.
Mar. 26 | "Solve the Riddles" | Isaiah 53 |
If anyone would like to volunteer to prepare and serve UMK Suppers please let Bess know! Thanks to all those who have so willingly served and provided supper during the year!!